Tell me a bit about yourself/the model being photographed. It’s important for me to know how to accommodate your specific needs so that I can get the best shots possible. I am interested to know things like: any professional/semi-professional modelling experience you’ve had. How you/the model communicate (verbal, non-verbal, hard of hearing/deaf, need for an interpreter, ability to follow instructions etc.). What, if any, mobility aids you/the model with will be bringing to the shoot and how best to assist with transitions. Any triggers or things that will bother or distract you/the model (lights, music, flashes etc.). Anything else you can share with me ahead of time so that I can prepare to get the best shots possible.
Eg 1. I am Sophie, 25 and a wheelchair user and this is my first headshot session. I have little to no mobility from the waist down but can sit multi-directionally in my wheelchair and can transfer in and out unassisted. I am fully verbal and have no specific constraints or triggers to consider.
Eg 2. Sam is 5 and uses a cane, walker, or wheelchair depending on the distance. Sam has done a couple local charity campaigns, but nothing professional before. We will be bringing the walker and wheelchair to the shoot, and I (mom) can help to transition Sam in and out of his mobility devices. He is able to sit unassisted, and has full movement above the waist. Sam wears hearing aids and has a severe motor-speech delay, but can understand and follow instructions easily. There are no specific triggers to be aware of.
Eg 3. Tina is 8 and has Down Syndrome and no previous experience. She has no physical mobility impairment. Tina is mostly non-verbal, but has strong receptive language and can follow instruction. She is distracted easily with too much noise, so a quiet one-on-one interaction is often best. Sometimes Tina will need to take breaks if things become too overwhelming. I (dad) will be near to support with transitions, distractions, and calming when needed.