“Your precious body only 701 grams, a tiny person making such a stand.”
We’re sold the romantic joy of motherhood as we grow up. The beauty of childbirth and the happiness of it all. But there comes a turning point in your life where your friends and family around you start having babies and you realise the fragility of life, the fragility of birth and the side of having a baby that isn’t spoken about. This project is about 5 mothers that all gave birth to premature babies that are now thriving. It’s about that physical touch and those moments when the babies were born that they couldn’t hold them.
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“Your precious body only 701 grams, A tiny person making such a stand.
14 weeks early, born premature, Not knowing all you’ve had to endure.
A quick cuddle before you left for your temporary home, Then 10 long days before the next, I felt so alone.
A few hours passed before we got to go and see our girl, In a level 3 neo natal unit just down the hall.
NICU, HD, SCBU as it’s known, In an incubator all alone.
My tiny baby who I grieved you from my tummy. I wanted you inside of me, your mummy.
From that morning forward, as much as you read, Nothing can prepare you for what you will see.
Nearly 30 days silent, not even a peep. Your intubated body, just alarms that bleep.
We longed to hear our baby make a sound, in such a noisy world, Your silence was profound.
No time to heal, no 6 week check. Sinking under the neonatal life deck.
Learning to express, they say breast is best. Exposed in the milk room, while trying not to stress.
Brady’s and desats part of daily vocabulary, A world outside the neonatal unit just seemed so imaginary.
1 step forward, 3 steps back -That’s what your told. Celebrate the wins - In a room so controlled.
What you’ve overcome really astounds us, Fighting and smiling and never a fuss.
Celebrating every milestone Until that 117th day, When your consultant came with your papers and signed off your stay.
You have shown us that miracles can happen, Your strength and bravery we could never imagine.
You’ve made us parents, a mum and a dad. Through all of life’s turbulence now, we’ll never be sad.”
Written by Melissa, mum of Amari born at 26 weeks weighing 1lb 8 oz
“He was covered in wires and I couldn't see his face, I didn't know what colour his hair was or if he had any.
I now look back at all of the photos at our time in hospital fondly. I feel quite lucky that I got to meet my baby boy three months early.”
Written by Emily, mum of Lachlan born at 28 weeks weighing 3lb 4 oz
“ I spent the first few weeks after you were born desperately wishing I was still pregnant.
Sitting by your incubator willing for you to be back inside, like I’d failed to protect you. “
Written by Christina, mum of Lily born at 25 + 5weeks weighing 1lb 13 oz
With special thanks to First Touch in London, England for connecting me with these incredible women.
Thank you also to PS Spaces for hosting us and to Firyal Arneil on hair and make-up and Charlotte Rainsford on assist.